Monday, January 10, 2011

Work Update

A very common question posed to me in the past several weeks has been "How do you like your new job?"  My response.  " I LOVE IT!!"  The job challenges me every day, and it is so rewarding.  I have been working with patients with amazing stories of strength and recovery and learn something new every day.  I work with wonderful women who give me help and guidance each day.  It has definitely been a learning curve, but I am so much happier overall in this new position.  Today was the busiest day I have ever had as a speech therapist.  There were only 20 minutes of the close to 9 hours I was there that I was not with a patient.  This makes documentation hard, but it makes me feel like I am making a difference.  So, if anyone is wondering, the job is great, the people are wonderful, and I am more than happy in my new position!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy that you are happy. This new position seems to fit you so well. Hooray for good change!
    p.s. I miss you guys terribly...
