Sunday, November 21, 2010

Aunt Leigh's visit

We had a great time with Aunt Leigh's visit.  Leigh is my college roommate from both Bloom and Emerson.  During her visit we spent some quality time with Tommy and then enjoyed our Speech Pathology convention.  The best part of the convention was the FOOD!! YUMMMM... Chinese, Indian, Greek, cheesesteaks and fondue! We enjoyed it all! Last Tuesday was Tommy's last swim lesson, so here are a few pics of him showing his stuff!  He did so well and now thinks nothing of going under water.  If he could walk, I am positive he would have been jumping in!  As it was, I would sit him on the edge and he would throw himself in ASAP.  He will live up to the nickname of "little Fish." 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Exciting week!

Exciting week here at the Fisher household! Aunt Leigh has come to visit! Leigh, my college roommate from both Bloom and Emerson, is here to visit and then head to ASHA with me.  Even though we only see each other 2 or 3 times a year these days, we still get along just like old times.  So far we have just enjoyed some downtime relaxing and shopping.  Tonight, we have plans to visit another Bloomsburg friend, Mandy.  Thursday morning we will head to Philly for a 3 day speech therapy convention.  Time away for me!! J.R.'s mom is coming to help hold down the fort here.  Tommy will love that!  Tommy is really beginning to turn into a big kid.  He now says "he-wo" (for hello) when he waves and does his own version of the sign "more" when he wants more food or to be thrown around.  Pictures to come soon!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fall days

J.R. is Tommy's favorite person these days.  All J.R. has to do is walk in the room and Tommy reaches his arms out and starts squealing with joy.  Dad seems to be more fun to play with while Mom gets the job of making food, bottles, changing diapers, etc. (Although J.R. does do these things when I am not home, and very well might I add!!).  I had to work this weekend so they got a lot of bonding time.  Here is Tommy helping his dad wash my car!  Before long Tommy will be helping with this task!

More Halloween Fun

Tom went to visit his buddy Olivia the day before Halloween.  Lex and I dressed them up, but Tommy was not too happy about it.  I love the expressions on their faces!

I think the last one is the best.  I think they are saying "Can you believe they did this to us?!"